Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeNumerologyNumerology Tip: Carry this to attract the quality of Number 1 SUN

Numerology Tip: Carry this to attract the quality of Number 1 SUN

Carry this SUN Mantra + Yantra and attract the attributes of Number 1 SUN


No. 1, ruled by the planet Sun, are honest, sincere, hard working, intelligent and enthusiastic types. Discipline, hardwork and honesty help such people to adorn the coveted posts like IAS, IPS and IFS and lead them to success. These people will have the government support and backing in all their activities, and as such they are most suitable for such jobs. Private enterprises dealing with a government department directly or indirectly are also good venues for their work. In the solar system, all planets move around the Sun. As such, these people can join a political party of their choice and rise to enviable positions. These people have a flair for writing poems and publishing books, since they are lovers of nature. Their kind nature and the skills of oratory fit them in religious institutions also. With their intelligence, they can understand any intricate and minute things very easily and so they are suitable for medical profession too. (If the destiny number is 3 or 6, they can be normal physicians; with No. 9 as their destiny number, they can shine as surgical specialists; if the destiny No. 5 is present they shine well in a new and unconventional system of medicine).
Business No. 1 People are very rigid in adhering to the laid down doctrines, and as such are not fit for business ventures where the fortune fluctuates as they are not adaptable to the changing situations. However, they can jointly do business with people ruled by Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5 as partners. People born under the ruling of Nos. 2,7 and 8 should not be taken as partners in any kind of business enterprise because it will eventually result in closure of business due to very high loss. Art, sculpture, music, astrology and yoga are the subjects of their interest and are suitable for joint venture.

Second Tip: The power of Numbers. Set the concern person from who you need favour either getting order, get contract sign, application approval, bank loan and what not… set as per your favourite Numbers….see magic happening.

For your own Numerology Consultation call : Vastu Acharya Rohitt Shah

Please do note that remedies works best if you follow the remedies based upon your date of birth.

Rohitt Shah (B. Eng., CSM)

Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Lal Kitab and iBazi consultant



Call: +9049410786 OR +7776034447




Comments are most welcome. If you need any specific help then do post question(s) and we will do our level best to address in upcoming post(s).

Rohitt Shah (Vastu Acharya – Numero Vastu Guru)

Mahavastu, Numerology, Bazi and Lal Kitab Consultant

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NOTE: One need to ensure that they locate the direction accurately for tips to work. We work on 16 zones (directions) so make sure you plot the direction accurately.

16 Zones (directions): North, North of NE, North-East(NE), East of NE East, East of SE, South-East (SE), South of SE, South, South of SW, South-West (SW), West of SW, West, West of NW, North-West (NW), North of NW. Each zone carries its own attributes, colours, patterns and associations with 5 elements (Water, wood, Fire, Earth and Space).

Other Useful Numero Tips /articles:

Numerology Tip: Numerology Tip: Born from year 2000 onwards; You must Read

Numerology Tip: Your Birthdate and Numerology

Numerology Tip: What is Numerology

Numerology Tip: What Number says about your Profession!!!

Numerology Tip: What Number says about you!!!

Numerology: Will name change benefit the movie #Padmaavat?

Numerology: Number 18 and its Impact

Testimoney – Numerology and Vastu Consultation



Rohitt Shah
Rohitt Shah
Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Astro-Vastu and Lal Kitab Expert, iBazi Profile Charter.


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